Benefit theatre show presenting art of body painting
For the 6th time the city of Bratislava will be hosting the best body painters from Slovakia and from abroad to present their art at the only event of its kind in Slovakia.
Models dressed in colours will act the story on the stage, in which famous names of our art scene will perform their musical, dancing and dramatical piece of art. Almost 70 performers on the stage will present visual and artistic experience that will not be repeated again.
The 6th year of BODY ART SHOW has its topic The story of the Earth.
We will be taken to an epic trip to distant Brazilian rainforest, to the bottom of the ocean as well as to the most prestigious parties. Spectators will be victims of societyʼs decline upon the remains of the world full of greenery and beauty that in reality doesnʼ t exist anymore. Mankind lives in welfare and at the same time people destroy their planet so intensively that we have to ask: "Do we have chance for retrieval?"
BODY ART SHOW is an artistic format which has no parallel in the world.
It is an extraordinary combination:
1) the art of bodypainting - the expression of characters primarily consists of paintings applied on bodies,
2) theatre show - the characters act in elaborated story which annually delivers the message of a critical view of society to spectators,
3) musical components - whole show is accompanied by live musical and dance performances,
4) charityʼs purpose - after the show we will christen bodypainting calendar for year 2020, selling gains of which will be donated to organisation Pink Ribbon, dealing with support of breast cancer prevention.
Bratislava Mayor Matúš Vallo has taken his patronage of this performance.
Exclusivity! Every year we organize just one exclusive performance. It is always original and it has different topic. The show that could be seen by limited number of people wonʼt be repeated anytime and anywhere.
Attend BODY ART SHOW 2019. Experience extraordinary atmosphere of art, beauty, colourful colours and help the right idea at the same time.
Projectʼs author - Marta Gejdošová (make-up artist & bodypainter)
Moderator - Vlado Voštinár
Acting - Sisa Sklovská, Mirka Partlová, Peter Bažík and many others
Music - Peter Bažík (absolute winner of X-factor CZ&SK)
Directed by - Michael Sharmant (London Film Academy)
Recommended to watch: https://vimeo.com/331882153